the definition was in fact pulled from wikipedia and when asked to define shari'a law senator gerald allen couldn't because he said he didn't have his notes in front of him talk about incompetent sounds like senator gerald allen and his staff are really doing a bang up job for the people of alabama working on fighting threats that don't exist and basing legal language off of wiki pedia just what the taxpayers need. now do you remember when the obama administration pledged to be the most transparent in american history and what a promise unfortunately if you look at the situation from a legal perspective the administration's actions couldn't be more opposite from their stated promises at least when it comes to whistleblowers and will in the little more than two years that obama has been in office prosecutors have filed criminal charges in five separate cases involving unauthorized distribution of classified national security information to the media compare that to the fact that in the last forty years that only happened three times so three in forty years versus five into years that's quit