motion reappointing gerald demarcus turner and fady zoubi, terms ending july 2, 2028,to the public worksommission. >> same house, same call. the motion is evaluated madam clerk committee reports item item item item item item item item 29 yes. >> 29. resolution approving the settlement of unlitigated claims in favor of the city and county of san francisco against the u.s. department of health and human services by payment of$441,521.39 to the city; the administrative claims were filed on december 29, and human services for outlier payments under the medicare inpatient prospective payer system for federal fiscal years 2005-2006. >> seeing san francisco names on the rosters. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted madam clerk go to our roll call for. >> roll call for introductions. >> yes. supervisor engardio first up to introduce new business. >> summit. thank you. >> supervisor mandelman, thank you, madam speaker. >> um, today colleagues, i'm introducing an ordinance to landmark the rainbow flag under house bill and as you recall i introduced this inching on march 26th and may