. >> gerald ritchie is the inmate that wright tries to avoid. >> people like to dance around the racistord. they'll do anything in the world to not be called a racist. i don't beat around the bush when it comes to the racist term. i'm absolutely a racist. people like to say we're in a quote, unquote post-racial society and race doesn't matter and race is insignificant. if race didn't matter there wouldn't be different races. all people ain't the same. >> ritchie is four months away from completing a two-year sentence for intimidation of a peace officer. he is also a member of the prison gang called the saxon knights. >> the aryan brotherhood and saxon knights are white supremacist organizations. they share similar ideologies in their creeds and oaths and in their bylaws. >> here i have the saxon knights representatives. that's another one right there that i'm most proud of, that's my saxon knight crest with the bolts. >> he was the saxon knight president for this facility at one time. the organizations take possession of certain parts of the facility such as where they were working out.