twitter and you tube because when you've got some to say i do listen now first on a response to gerald swan who commented on our interview about keith olbermann new show on current t.v. on facebook he said this is b.s. olbermann never made me feel as though who is going to change his show this shame same show is exactly what i expected and was waiting for and when you graced time attacking the mainstream correspondent whose views most closely resemble your own it makes me question your motives and as a fan of your show i'm disappointed now perhaps you're older you did not expect anything different from keith's new show but i did it partly because as i said yesterday this is what he told interview said what we're trying to do is something that is utterly different than what's been done with television news in the last thirty years since the advent of cable in the grating down of that used to be the wall between news and everything else the television networks so i was just simply pointing out that what i saw on monday night wasn't any different the want he was doing it and that's n.b.c. befo