here to break this down is aaron brown, a long time resident of minnesota, betsy dob, and gerald tylerh an organization advocating for the mine and the jobs it will bring. we also invited polynet to join us and they declined. so why the controversy all of a sudden? what is different? >> the two things that are different really are the fact that 100-plus years of mining in minnesota has been related to iron. we're called the iron range. and we have mined successfully and fruitfully for a very long time. i'm a fifth generation of my family to live on the iron range and the first one to have never worked in a mine, and that's how far back the mining history goes ash here. it's something people know and it has been the main reason a lot of people have come from all over the world to settle and make the towns we live in now. so this isn't iron, these are other minerals. and what is difference is the way they are mined. and that's where the controversy comes from. you are breaking up different kinds of rocks, you are processing the ore somewhat differently and it creates a runoff, and that's