geraldine thompson, let's begin with you. you are not far from where this high school shooting took place. right near fort lauderdale, whh,h, by thee way, experienced another shooting where five people were killed just a year ago at the fort lauderdale airport. but now at this school, the horror of 17 people being killed -- three outside the school, 12 inside the school, and then two who were injured who has since died. this must bring back horrific se inies for you from pul 2016, whereas man gunned down 49 people in the club andnd injured more than 50 others. yet what has been done? what the loss in florida yet the >> unfortunately, nothing has happened since the pulse nightclub shooting. i said at that time, and a want to repeat today, that we have got to tighten our laws with regard to gun ownership in this country. i see no reason why a private individual needs a military type weapon and a magazine of ammunition with enough rounds to kill hundreds of people. so we have got to tighten up who gets guns, who has access to gu