geraldo riverra drew in the sand. >> he got kicked out of iraq but he's been invited back. >> based on his reporting, if i were the enemy, i'm not sure -- wait a minute. that's a joke. >> my own belief is, of course, these embedded people are fine. the information that they can provide to the american people is extremely modest. one of the great failures of american journalism is that they're not good at languages. so -- and the -- both in iraq and in afghanistan especially, afghanistan at the present time, that they can't get around. can't get around. so those are the more -- i mean, so if one wanted, you know, if one wanted to say, well, you know, do -- does the thoughtful or not so thoughtful reader of american press actually have a sense of what's going on in afghanistan politics? i don't think the answer is yes. the -- but the other feature i want -- and of course, i mean, i'm all for the embedded journalism, but there's only so much that you can learn from a particular perspective in a particular place on the field, and it's good drama, good television, but i don't really think i