illinois police say this man, gerardo arellano, did just that. he was arrested at a multiplex outside chicago and showed up at court with his family. they were also with him when he was recording in the theater, according to investigator gary kissinger. >> he was actually observed with the camera setting on his right leg, along with his wife and small child. >> he brought a child with him to do this? >> yes. we're finding that to be more commonplace because--not only their child but other family members or friends-- because they act as lookouts, and also they're less conspicuous. they blend in with the rest of the audience. >> kissinger works for the mpaa, the motion picture association of america. i interviewed him and his boss, mike robinson, at the amc multiplex where arellano was arrested. i actually heard once that some--one of these people brought a camera in in a baby carriage. >> sometimes even in the diaper bag. >> ah, in the diaper bag. >> yes, actually, we've seen it where they cut out the cup holder, and they'll set the--cut out the b