. >> governor geringer. >> i will take off on the title of this session which is the future of higher education. i envision the higher education community in the future as being something that provides shorter time to degree, access regardless of time, pace, and place. we would hold learning constant and let time vary than what we do today to hold time constant and let learning vary so that competence is the credential and not the degree. we will track student's success with both the employer and society and student engagement which is what we do significantly. we have academic mentors and progress mentors that contact every student, a minimum of once per we're. we have engagement. we know it does work. so i see the future as being flexible, hybrid, on command and to contrast that with the value pr proposition which is not yielding a lot of financial accountability. we have a business model that is focused on faculty, facilities, courses rather than students engagement and outcome. so for instance, on facilities, sam smith, president of washington state was on a review board. found ou