differences and we saw from governor romney an agenda that would not be subject to events around gerlach, that shape events around world c-span.org to eventssubject around the world but would shape events around the world. the american people are looking for where will you take us, and governor romney did a good job of laying out. >> where do things go it started in the morning? >> well, we have momentum from this debate as with the last two debates. we will go to the battleground states for the continued the discussion of a national- security and foreign policy and the differences there, and some discussion of the economy. there was some discussion of that tonight because our economic strength and our strength abroad are tied to one another. there will be a lot of discussion about economic policy and the debt. governor romney will highlight his plans for a real recovery, as well congressman ryan, and contrast that with we cannot afford four more years like the last four years. we cannot afford it when it comes to job creation, when it comes to our debt, when it comes to health care, and