greenhouse this platform has been standing here for a while 400 meters away from the german research station neumeier 3 of the mobile greenhouse should have arrived here days ago but the cargo boat transporting it to the side is making slow headway through the thick pack ice. 14000 kilometers away in germany moon research is also. being carried out various experiments for the project spaceship are being carried out at the european astronaut training center in cologne. belgian students is working on a virtual environment where future visitors to the moon can train. simulation like this we can train them in virtual reality as if they were already on the lunar base and then have them. interact with the digital rights and can completely be able to do the experiment before and instead of just being in the training room with their backing for. the virtual moonscape is still in the development phase at some point however it could help with the preparation of future missions. a few rooms away colleague me care to think you do is busy working with different devices his specialist area is 3 d. printing. and hi