now a report by german think tank mavericks has cautioned against what it calls naive or see any dealings with china it says western firms could lose their competitive edge. electric batteries bring the point home 7 out of 10 of the world's biggest makers come from china leaving european firms scrambling to catch up. with you know the studio is on the whole conducted this study at the macarthur institute and i welcome to the studio. this study is pretty grim reading for people here in europe what is be doing so ultimately go world domination or should be we worried about this well as the ultimate goal clear is technological leadership on a global scale however we're not talking about technological leadership in every single aspect of technology and so you really see a difference in china's approach where the got to let's say more traditional high tech areas for instance and the ation in these areas china's content with chests developing the mastic of abilities that are sufficiently good so to say say the products the components that acknowledge she does not need to be you know state of th