germane to the appeal proceeding, you have them in your packets. temporary and housing would be provided. the department of hope weatherness and supportive housing generally has not seen an increase in the amount of emergency services required in the vicinity of navigation centres. calls for emergency services in the area are not expected to increase because of the availability of and connection to services through safe center programmes and staff caring for the clients. even if there were a small increase based on the needs of the population, it would not impact the calls in the area. calls would be at the site due to one location but this concentration would not constitute a significant effect. neighbors have expressed concern about an increase in noise from ambulance sirens. based on date provided by the department of emergency services, in the five months following opening of the civic centre, there were several priority 9-1-1 calls to the site, averaging 14 calls per month. this is far less than one per day and that, from the navigation center, with the highest call volumes. now these types of calls include top priority police medical and fire calls where sirens were used. but even if it were one or so per day