people, german shaich, and for me sauce for temaly, for you sousali, and what are you laughing at, germanshe takamal, mikhail gurich, give me spoons, well tell me how you cook it, mikhail gurich, open it, once they showed us how to hit it like this and then open it, can you imagine? give it, so sauce and mali, we try with mikhail yegorovich, i adore it, amazing with meat, oh, it's sweet, guys, it, you can literally drink it, such a good taste, i adore kemaly, caucasian cuisine, it is without kemaly, kemaly with meat, and meat in dagestan, let's go to dagestan, and you agree, let's go, we are ready, such a phenomenon of dagestan, this is a mini-model of the world, here on such a small one, like this , everyone inside lives well, and the most ancient city of russia, derbent, is located on the territory of dagestan, so, okay , we take green, green cherry plum, what do we do with it, remove the seeds, remove, boil for literally 2-3 minutes so that it softens, softens. and squeeze it through a sieve squeeze the puree into a saucepan drain this puree in water well a little with we dilute the garli