he slammed washington's latest attack on the gerpal national area, reist raising his country's commitment to safeguarding his borders and sovereignty. ان شاء الله المره الجايه الطوفان. welcome to the palestinian village of alacaba. it's in the northern jordan valley. you think life here would be relatively simple and uncomplicated. for palestinians in area see uh the way that israel treats them as a hostile population. it makes them their lives as difficult as possible. those palestinian families who live in in almost about 52 communities without any kind of service اننا جميعا في قريه العقب لا نعلم لماذا الرد الاسرائيلي علينا. what is the history of the palestinian resistance? وانتظر ذلك. وما بعد تلك كان عندها قرار استراتيجي هو تجزئه الامه العربيه وخلق كيانات منفصله عن بعضها ومتعاديه مع بعضها وتشل بعضها بعضا لقد عدت اليوم من فلسطين لكن صدقوني لم اعود الا لكي اعود الى فلسطين. the resistance sore between cycles of boom and dust until it revived the hopes of the people in defeating the israeli project. الظلمه القبور التي هي بمثابه هي للاحياء تم قمع جميع الاسرى عشره بالضرب بالهروات بالاقدام ح