send me an e-mail at gerri finally today's jobs numbers. the economy stinks.s market, you know this is true. much of the part-time work is retail outlets and you get the picture. as we noted tonight, so far the overwhelming majority, 77% of all jobs created are part-time and that mea no pay and no benefits. at that pace it will take seven years to close the gap left by the recession. it's not good enough. not by a longshot. the president spent the better part of the last two weeks talking bout jobs, because the economy is in creating them. the policy seems to be benefiting superrich rather than our vanishin middle class. that is. neil: more jobs on maintreet. more money on wall street, man oh, man, we must be on easy street because everyone seems to be loving it. everyone that is except the folks who say they aren't seeing it, any of it, and they're mad and they're bitter and they're here an only here. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. fox on top of a economy that appears to be goldilocks, just right. not too strong, not too weak, good enough to keep the fe