host: gerry bell is our guest from noaa. dr. ll, you recently came out with your hurricane season outlook. what if the season going to be? guest: we updated the 2013 hurricane season outlook just yesterday. it is really reiterating what we had predicted in may. we still expect an active season with the possibility the season to be very active. for the season as a whole, we are predicting 13 to 19 main storms, six to nine to be hurricanes, and three to five to be major storms. that is a lot of activity still to come. that is by far were the major hurricanes occur. we so have a lot of way to go with this hurricane season. host: what is the peak? guest: august, september, october. you might say mid august to mid- october. throughout this entire three- month period is when by far the bulk of the major hurricanes occur. host: the "hartford courant" this morning -- weather service packs off a bit from production. what are they talking about here? guest: we lowered our upward bound of major hurricane slightly for the northeast. this is