we want to welcome congressman gerry connolly. we are going to talk about health care and afghanistan. first, we turn to one of the students here. >> good morning. i am from dallas, tx. do you believe that the low progress in afghanistan is due to lack of strategy from our troops, or an inherent problem? guest: i think the current problems we're having in afghanistan have their roots in the fact that the previous administration under george bush and his secretary of defense made the decision to invade iraq, which have not been involved in 9/11, was not her brain al-qaeda terrorists. by doing that, they diverted resources we duffers ledesperatd the in afghanistan. they were in afghanistan took a backseat to the invasion of iraq and the subsequent activities that went on in iraq, including almost close to civil war in that country. for longtime, the united states was pouring resources into iraq, not afghanistan. the taliban and al-qaeda used that six years or seven years to basically rebuild, regroup, retrain in the protected areas