. >>> remembers bay area natives gertrude kline who's gallery is back in san francisco this summer. >0 years, the nokios is a bay area constitution. it offered a one of a kind show where looked like it seemed. the nokios closed and before they did, bob mackenzie visited. >> reporter: it is the longest running show of its kind in the world. this week after 63 years of amusing and often amazing visitors to san francisco. the nokios will close its doors, for angela moore that will mean a glamorous end for his second life as an entertainer. in his day job he works at a restaurant. jobs like this one aren't easy to find. this is his first job as an entertainments. >> i entertainment. >> i do it so i can entertain people. that's the first thing, i like to entertain people and that's a nice place to do it. there's no other place like this in san francisco. so i'm kind of sad it's closing. >> reporter: but if you are frank rodriguez who has danced in the nokio show for 14 years, the demise of the show is devastating. he has no other career. >> a little sad, but i have to survive and do someth