and this is your response, this is your rebuttal of gertrude stein. [orange] and it's also, i wouldn't put so much of the weight on gertrude stein as more on people who have sort of misused that quote. because she was just talking about her childhood home. [smith] very specifi bec [orange] and itt talking abo was developed over.e. so in her "everybody's" autobiography, somebody asks her, "why don't you write about oakland?" "there is no there there." she's just talking about her experience. and so peove used it to say oakland has no character. and thats more a reflection on what people think of oakland or are trying to make oakland into an what her thoughts were. [smith] it may be as much a rebuttal of those people than of her. [orange] yeah. [smith] right. and oakland, as we'll come to in a second, is a character in this book. this book struck me, so i thought two thgs about this book. it's a portrait of america that we don't see and it's a portrait of americans we don't see. there is not, as far as it goes, a lot of native american literature or nat