. >> gethe schachair recognizes t gentleman from georgia for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i'm sorry that we have sunk to the level of partisan politics in this committee which traditionally has tried to operate without going too far down that road. and i'm sorry that we have now embarked upon a -- you know, upon this path. it's unfortunate. i think we need to get up out. it quickly. but it's -- it's hard for me to -- ignore the irony of -- what we are doing here. talking about wasteful spending that contributes to the -- to the debt and the deficit of this country, why would we fry to scare people about north korea and iran when everybody knows that they're not capable of mounting a -- an attack against us. and then we are going to put up a -- a star wars shield which is unneeded and it's unproven. that's just the epitome of wasteful spending. and while we are -- talking about -- wastefully spending more money on defense we are -- debating the -- the republican reconciliation bill that is going to cut social spending for poor people and working people, elderly, a