and gfoa recommends to use it to rebuild reserves and just keeping in mind that using these to bridge an operating deficit is a temporary solution. and the more from gfoa about how to use the funds -- you obviously need to prioritize and use them for things that can't get paid for another way. and the second point that i think that is also important is that there's many, many jurisdictions that are not part of the city but we work with them, obviously, the transportation agencies and the development authorities, etc. but they'll be receiving their own portions of arpa funding. so understanding and coordinating with them so there's efficient use of funds across agencies is highly recommended. there are many streams of funding, for many types of agencies. and to spread the use of the funds over the qualifying period which is the city or the county as a stabilizing force and they do remind us that our agencies will opine on our use of arpa fund and their credited opinions. and i'll just end with the note that it's a very -- it's historic one-time funding to cover operating shortfalls unt