tell us rt ta ggg, tta, gga. hundreds or thousands of times.the question is, white or chromosomes these incredibly detailed instruction manuals for building a human being break up the strings of repeated numbers on the end of each day? answer this they been constructed to solve really ridiculous problems that we've been left with. the first as they protect the ends of her chromosomes were dna repair system. that is because if you find loose flailing of dna around, that probably means that dna has been damage. here sal will try to fuse those bits of dna together, stick them back, fix whatever the damage s was. it basically tell the dna or don't worry this is what it should look like. they also exist to correct a very strange mistake ourselves have her comes to reproducing. when one cell divides the copy all that dna to make sure both cells have a full repertoire of dna. and the problem is when our cells duplicate that dna, the enzyme does the duplication moves along the dna it can't quite make it all the way to the end of the chromosome. they ch