. -- butres ghali. it's a -- butress squared we called him. he was there four years. i think he had one term, if i'm not mistaken. am i wrong? host: i don't have the list in front of me. ban ki-moon, what's your opinion of him? guest: i was really excited when he was first elected. in fact, i was worried it might ruin the movie because here's a south korean, i thought he would hopefully make some changes. it was not butress ghali, koffi annan, and really soon after he was put in place, i remember they hung saddam hussein, and he had -- he made a statement which i thought was going to change the 10or of the united nations, that people were attacking the iraqis, were hanging -- basically applying capital punishment as a butcher and he made the statement the next day and he said you know, maybe we shouldn't focus on saddam's death but let's focus on the fact of how many people he killed and i said this guy gets it, this guy may be a harbinger for change and the next day, they got to him, because the next day, he made another statement saying don't misunderstand what i'm