not only that just for fun i call these neurons ghandi neurons because they're involved in empathy and once i remove the skin it dissolves the barrier between me and you so i experience your sensation. >> charlie: why do you say understanding neurons is part of the great leap forward to understanding human evolution? >> w0e8, i think mirror neurons -- >> well, i think mirror neuronses, that's what these neurons are called, they're involved in creating a virtual reality simulation of your neurons. i don't see you as a puppet moving, i have an internal image of charlie who has intentions and he's reaching out to grab the cup, ok? so this construction of another human being in your mind relies to some extent on these neurons called mirror neurobbons and it tells out in order to imitate somebody you need mirror neurons because how do i imitate a complex action? a human child see its once and maybe just seeing it once or twice does it immediately. it turns out monkeys can't do that even though commonly people believe they can do that, they're very bad at it so they have mirror neurons but t