and then chairman ghanem.d then, um ahead of the june 12th meeting that will be sent to each of the members of the commission. and during the june 12th meeting will have a closed session where you'll be able to provide me input on my performance, which i very much value from the folks who are not just my bosses, but also the folks who i interact with quite a bit. um in my own work, and also it's very helpful for planning the future for that conversation is an opportunity. for the commission to think about. what does it want to be moving ahead? um, so we'll have a final. uh well, the commission will then during that closed session conversation will be able to adapt the final review by emotion. um and then i'll have that for my permanent record, um, which is helpful, and then looking ahead, the sanitation and streets commission in in september roughly will also have its own kind of self assessment of their own work. and so i very much you know, this is a work in process. yes and not all commission as i mentioned