the meeting will be live- streamed. austin ghouls the will hold a conference call today at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the economic report of the president which will be released later this afternoon. during that call, he will announce the president's intent to nominate carl shapiro to be a new member of the council of economic advisers. with that, i will take your questions. how the president's commission has evolves? d? >> s. yes. the president's position has has beenarriage consistent. he says it is unfair. the distinction was announced today which was brought on by a court-imposed deadline by the second circuit that required a decision by the administration about whether or not this case should require heightened scrutiny, heightened the constitutional review. unlike the other cases in other circuits, there was no foundation or precedent upon which the foundation could defend the marriage act, therefore it had to make a positive assertion about the constitutionality. the attorney general recommended the higher level of scrutiny be appli