and i feel like one thing that they do seem to be on top of here is a lot of security. >> gian gomeshi a reporter for cbc, we'll talk about the readiness for the olympics later on the hour. security experts and the state department have people going to the games and they say those people who are going to the games need to expect to be hacked by local criminals, even the russian government. our science and technology expert jacob ward is in san francisco. why should they be concerned about being hacked at russia than the other games? >> the particular conditions at russia make it vehicle unique. certainly for americans. it isn't bound by acquaint laws around privacy, your secrets will remain secret. anything you do inside the borders of russia, literally belongs to russia. snooping on facebook and whatever, is absolutely legal there. it vaited televated to an art fg software developed in russia. there's an incredible amount of hacking going on. >> so what do travelers do to protect themselves from hackers? >> do not use faiks and twitter on your -- facebook and twitter. if you have go a