i don't think until we opened the door and there were cops with giantic guns and escorted them out didreal. >> what were the children saying in the closest. nhow long did that take? >> we didn't know and we let them in at first. they founded on the thape were plose and they put a badge from under the door and we let the kids out then. we got to the fire house at tin time 30. nyou were there an hour. ni think so. njohn, mary ann us they had gone over the different drills and she was with the 18 fourth graders and tight as we were arown trying to talk to her. and one of the lucky things, in that torage closest they had crayions and paper and they troyed to get the kids to draw and worry their questions. >> it state your namely sounds like she and the other teachers did a fantastic job of keeping the kids safe as they could. there is a report of ianitor running through the halls warning teacher to keep their doors cloyced because of the shooting. to my knowledge we don't know what happened to the janitor and whether he survived. sandy hook elementary had install a new security system and