gib armstrong had 50,000 testimonies from pennsylvania students. none of them signed. he knew the names. students were of trade it -- afraid to sign, and the press was completely uninterested in the student testimony is, and there were descriptions of reims in the classrooms of one professor attacked the languages school which is where the army personnel can train and hire languages saying it was set up because they want to kill colored people. i mean, it is tragic what is going on in our universities. you have students in a democracy in america intimidating from watching a complete with a professor of english goes on the rant about a war in iraq completely unprofessional, completely outside of their expertise. there are -- there are some good places that have appeared as a result of our campaign. the last year's president of the modern language association, professor gerald crafts to become graff of university of l.a., he is a leftist. professor graff is a very leftist. he writes for magazines like radical teacher. but he has -- this actually -- he has a theory that t