so having said that, city attorney gibbner, before tomorrow's meeting could i see a copy of the proposed language, please. >> sure. >> so yeah we can -- director elliot. >> i want to suggest one clarifying amendment the city attorney made me aware of. page 58, line 12 under store front cannibis retailers, while i have been saying that as far as retail we want to retain medical and adult use the word authorities is not required. i would recommend the city attorney draft amendment to strike authorities and put in requires. >> do we have to draft that or just strike it today? >> if the city does it after public comment we'll send it to the meeting tomorrow. >> the only last thing, i think it's good we'll have it drafted and we can kind of sleep on it and think about it a little bit more. the only thing i would say, i know from practice in terms of restaurants and limited restaurants and businesses in general, when we try to be overregulate it, if the market shifts in one way or the other, they will do the bear minimum to meet the requirements. if it becomes rules from track and trade everyt