because they would be blocking access to gibraltar, to the colonies, to the caribbean. and the most interesting that i find is that they somehow created, i suppose, an illusion. i don't know what else to call it. the allies, in this case france and spain, would attack -- actually, the united kingdom would attack their country, so they have part of their fleet always guarding their coast. there are just so many places you can be at one time, and this was the case. it took time to plan that strategy to say, yes, we are joining france against england. that was the thing they never said, we are fighting for the colonies. because that was not in their own interest. but they say, we are joining france in the fight against england. that is how they gradually developed. it is such a broad topic, and wanting to write a small book written for the average reader, not for the scholar, i had to select certain issues that i felt i had to bring to light about the role of spain and make people understand exactly what happened. i focused a little bit on the armada. i focused a little bi