and then you've got to hump them back, giddyup, ma. and as for the reeds for the mats -- and the women would have to go out in the marshes for that by canoe. canoes were not for toys for overgrown boys. both sexes had to use canoes. and that brings me to the next thing. canoes were the family station wagons and u-haul trucks. both sexes had to know how to use them. and using one was something you always had to do with other people, because the blasted things were so heavy. dugout -- log dugouts canoes were used all through virginia, up in the mountains, too. and it took at least four people to move a good-sized one, if it was one that was really something like 50 feet long, you wanted at least eight people paddling. i've done a small canoe with only two and it was blue murder. absolutely murder. also, the waterways, which became the highways for indians, would remain the highways for the invaders from the old world who were all accustoms ed to using boats, as well. and that obtained until a lot of the country roads were paved in the 19