robert was a gifted draftsman, very gifted. i struggled with my poems, i struggled with my drawing.ort of was self-conscious. and robert, he was shy and sometimes inarticulate, but he did not lack confidence. robert would not rest until he infused his confidence that he had in himself in me. and his belief in himself was so unshakable, and he equated his belief in the equally. so it sounds alchemical are something, but eventually, he was successful in making me feel like i was really worth something, that i was not -- being a muse is beautiful, but he accepted me as both muse and maker. that confidence that he instilled in me at 20 years old, i have never lost it. i have had tragedy in my life, i have not wanted to get out of bed, have gone through a lot of difficult things, but i have never lost the confidence that he instilled in me, and it is right now blossoming. tavis: let me take the inverse of that, that there are days that even felt like not getting out of bed. what is fascinating about your confession, paraphrasing, the date is not complete for you unless you create somethi