my name is gil davis carter and we are un partners and i have to tell you i just love you. >> thank you. >> you are so straightforward and i'm a fellow december baby to, so we are straightforward, but what i loved about what you shared about the differences of people that are still the same and i have two questions. when you went to the border, because i notice there were people-- to people who flew the entire wall of the border in mexico and some places where there is no wall and broken fences and you can kind of walk through the pond across from each other. did you experience any of that and did you experience what people are dealing with right there on site as you are watching it unfold? the second thing is being a woman of color and fencing and doing the work you're doing, what is that your biggest challenge to overcome specifically? >> can everyone hear the questions in the back? okay. >> the biggest challenge to overcome, there's like-- >> what has been when you have overcome like your biggest challenge. >> i'm not sure what stereotypical challenge would be , but i know that like