order online at c-span.org/shop. " newsmakers" is gil kerlikowske. thank you for being with us. news of this past week -- the biggest problem in terms of drugs, not illegal drugs, but prescription drugs. are their pockets in the country where you see a higher rate of this due to the economy? >> we do get more pockets, as you said, but i am not sure it is related to the economy. quite often, when i talk to people affected by prescription drugs, it was perhaps because of an industry -- an injury in the mining industry. that would rollover into addiction. >> why are doctors providing these kinds of drugs to these people? >> there are good reasons. the medical profession came to the conclusion they were under treating pain. that was probably quite true. the pendulum has swung the other way now and the number of prescriptions being written for -- the difficulty around a medical community is in the fact they do not actually have as much information in training and education about addiction, pain education about addiction, pain