. >> reporter: it's a season that commercial fishermen frank sousa and gilbert rosa know is now in jeopardy. >> this is by far the only year we've been if the parking lot as opposed to out there catching crab and eating it. >> reporter: eating them now is out of the question with california health officials finding high levels of domoic acid in crabmeat. if the pacific ocean waters stay warm, the crab remains poisonous. if the waters cool, the docksins will naturally dissipate and the season could be salvaged. >> this is out of the fishermen's hands. we have to wait until the product is safe. i have kids. i wouldn't want to bring that product home to them, so i can't bring it home to anybody else. >> reporter: but the pain extends past these fishermen to here. the fresh crab now being served is from alaska, but that season is almost over. this time of year the big draw is the dungeness crab, and in san francisco, it's revered says restaurateur dante serafini. >> it's a tradition in the city. it's crab at christmas and thanksgiving. even if you have turkey, you'll have crab preceding the tur