admiral gilhouly's task force is less than four light years away. i will feel a lot better when they get here. you're not the only one. captain. yes, major. i just spoke with odo. someone overrode the security blocks on the industrial replicator on level 17. sounds like our saboteur. did they catch him? do they know what he replicated? he wiped the memory core. tell odo i want all security details i'm sure the chancellor will be willing to assign some klingon troops to guard key facilities. klingons helping to protect deep space nine-- what an interesting concept. these are interesting times, major. captain... incoming message. it's gul dukat. in my office. dukat. .. show a little respect-- you are talking to the head of the cardassian government. i don't recognize that government. your recognition is irrelevant. well, if that's what you think then why are we having this conversation? because the fact is, captain i feel a certain obligation toward you. after all, i freely admit, you saved my life on more than one occasion. don't remind me. and give