and giliad's already made its money.have their research, they haven't changed the formulation. they could charge $1 a pill. the state of affairs that we are not pressing on them to lower that price and rather they would like to see how much they can exact from communities. >> justin, anybody who has watched this program can include weinclude -- can conclude that we're not home and dry yet that truvada is not the answer to anything. but does it bring a possibility for the use as uninfected people that is a bridge on the way to somewhere else? >> i think it's very exciting. those who work in community health and public health it's so cument onincumbent on us to figure out who this is a good prevention for. the data on if you take it as prescribed is extraordinary. we don't get that kind of data in public health interventions around prevention. condoms, years and years of condom research shows they are anywhere from 60 to 80% effective if used consistently and if you use truvada consistently we're talking 90s%90spercentile.