but gilkey has to deal with that is that its own . you have more than 20000000 turkish citizens who have been affected by this area in southern turkey. many of the roads leading to the border crossing have been destroyed. so what is need really is to live celia as a priority to the international community. and, you know, and they, like i said, they were saying we cannot sympathize with celia because it's a civil war. not now. you have an end way. now you can sympathize easily. right. and i wish we could, you know, somehow extricate the politics out of this. and actually i have facilitate the emergency aid they need, but also the more lasting aid with that in mind. and with everything you just outlined their doctors. i had, i want to share with you some thoughts that were echoed by, by missouri during that a from she's the senior program development officer for the white helmets who are kind of accusing by saddle. i said specifically of manipulating this disaster ah, for his needs take a listen. but i saw the shop block to me and manip