we have dr. gillam, former navy seal and f b. i special agent and dominic, he's at farmer chicago air police officer. thank you gentlemen for staying with us . so here is the $1000000.00 question, and obviously i don't know if you know the exact answer. and if you could apply the answer to every single agent, that's a current way. i think there's $3400.00 plus. yeah, a part of the secret service, the service you don't make, do you feel the majority of secret service agents on details can be non political? and i would like to help so, but i don't think it's possible today. i really don't. i think that with how we're just inundated, non stop, everything goes to our phones and our faces. i think it's impossible not to be political. i really do. i would like to hold on the ideals of law enforcement and say that, you know, we can hang on to our passions and believes and still serve properly. i just don't know anymore. i really don't. well, it's interesting because it's not like that in the media. they say we're not opinions, we're gon