san francisco gillan croen. >> she is unable to be here today. >> and nami peer-to-peer mentor and ioov speaker and id yell wilson co-chair mayor's disability council nami peer-to-peer mentor and ioov speaker. >> thank you. we are the san francisco affiliate of the national alliance on mental illness. our mission is to advocate for a life of quality and dignity by providing education resources and emotional support to families and those affected by mental illness. we strive to end discrimination and stigma for all those persons affected by these illnesses through broader education and collaboration with the whole community. so we partner a lot with the mental health association. we have similar programs to them and where we differ is we have many programs for family members. we have a family to family class that is a free 12-week program taught by family members for family members. providing insight and information to help them help their loved ones who are suffering from a mental illness. then we offer a peer-to-peer program, which idell wilson is one of our peer mentors, a 12-week fre