the formations of derlivanger, darmagen, and gilradionov will be thrown against the partisans.mashkov to the secretary of the minsk underground regional party committee, roman machulsky. this is confirmed by our contacts from borisov and leppel. moshkov circled the areas of proposed military operations on the map. holopenicheskiy, krupsky, begomlsky, borisovsky, lepelsky. germanov unfolded another map, a german one, and circled these districts on it. they found a downed german pilot in a tablet near the village of chisti melchanskie. germanov attached another document to the map. the combat order to begin the punitive operation was also on the tablet, signed by von godber. may 15, 1943 of the year. roman machulsky, having once again carefully studied the documents, began to dictate to the father an urgent radiogram to moscow, to the central headquarters of the partisan movement. materials of the prosecutor general's office. they began to kill us in captivity, it’s scary, the punitive operation kotpus against the partisans began on may 20, 1943 in the begomalsky and lepelsky dis