yankee is fit to be open for another 20 years or gina bowler joins us now with the latest on this gina kristen late this afternoon in a conference call that n.r.c. clear regulatory commission and now said they voted to extend vermont includes license the n.r.c. says it will formally issue is includes a new license in a matter of. under vermont law the public service board and the legislature must also approve a license extension. tonight on nightline a nuclear emergency a massive new exposure rocks a crippled reactor plant in japan prompting the greatest fears yet radiation catastrophe and a new wave of a back to a should. fall out of risk reactor up in smoke how dangerous radiation leaks can be a plant located on a seismic fault the smoldering disaster zone the latest challenge at the fukushima daiichi site a fire in the number 4 reactor that's right down here in the area just near the room where highly radioactive spent fuel rods are stored this term for the worse in reactor 4 after a day in which there was some evidence japan might finally be making some small progress as it struggles with