ginny gentles: that is my point. they were dressing set -- addressing things on the other side of k-12 but we want more unionized jobs so please grow these other entities through so we can have more unionized workers. heather harding: as a k-12 girl and may be the only democrat on the stage, i want to say something. oh, you two? i didn't even know. [laughter] growing jobs is probably a good thing at this point in our country. in fact, we need more men to speak in the gender gap in care work and education jobs and for 50 years we have seen a feminization of the profession. we also need more diversity in our teaching ranks and a tax on de i, however poorly done, will not get us there. we have to be committed. also an unbundling of the system will also not get us there because a variety -- vast majority of kids are in public schools and your point about funding is i think an open question about if we are fully funding our public schools. go get a voucher in arizona, you can afford a trampoline. can you afford a high qua