and it's going to be epic. >> giorgi: i hope you find this -- >> anthony: it's really good. >> giorgiof things here, i notice. a variety of georgian appetizers served pre-dinner, kind of like mezza. spinach with walnuts and wild capers, pickled carrots, cheese curds with roasted hazelnuts and mint, roasted eggplant seasoned with coriander. this thing, this thing is amazing. kharsho, a stewed chicken cooked slow with ajika chili sauce, onions and an off-used georgian spices -- marigold flower powder and blue fenugreek. so a lot of what we've been talking about since we got here, is, will georgia continue to look west or will it, as the russians would prefer, look to the east? >> giorgi: it's not like the last 200 years or something. it's the -- throughout the existence of georgia, even though we were surrounded and our immediate neighbors were turkish, persian, arab, or whomever else, or russian, okay. the -- so the bias has always been towards, with europe rather than with the east. we believe that we are a part of that culture. however, distant we might have actually been. >> anthony