fail to spot the difference but the price can be a real quote a ten dollar tab for chanel or giorgio armani going to tease the here person half a brand and most likely a bit of love out into the bargain. fake is always many times cheaper but the real price to pay could be much greater when the running a book most current from a scene a special and unforgettable luke she could hardly imagine what kind of special it would turn out to be. here the first week was all fine but then my i started it in terribly became a read in were watering i couldn't drive because i couldn't see anything i was diagnosed with blepharitis inflammation of the eyelids it led to kind of allergy thrown into says she'll never ever get anything from a dubious shop again but the problem still remains as there is no guarantee even if her teeth stores. or used or. they make fakes at home but they're also huge fake productions entire factories with equipment similar to those the real brains use or they can just steal from real factories so you could get a genuine in an underpass but just as well a fake it especially is shop