. >> my name is giovanni blachetti lorenzo. i live on the island of alicudi in the province of messina. alicudi is part of the aeolian archipelago. i am 60 years old. alicudi is different from the other islands. there are no cars, so to transport goods you have to use donkeys or your own muscles. i am here on alicudi and cannot just do nothing. i own a large house. and i rent out part of it to tourists. to me, globalization means the internet, knowledge, and speed. a lot of speed. do you want to know the secret of life? the secret of happiness is to do everything you do with commitment. to do it as well as you can, with all you have to give. my favorite food is squid, finely chopped and marinated in lemon juice, oil, and chiles. a truly great -- dish. to live 200 years. [laughter] i do not find the soul of alicudi where the tourists go swimming. i find it in the northern part of the island. that is where you can climb the cliffs and there is nothing but the animals that live there. that is where i find the soul of alicudi. >> w