i'm with gipson dunn and i've been involved in this project. and i want to clarify some of the eir issues. this is a very typical project being built in the city of seismic risks so forth. and i concluded that the building would comply with all safety and it's impact on its safety structures and have found the project would have to go through a detailed project design. and it concluded there was not a significant impact because those codes are to protect the city to impact other structures. as part of the eir structure itself the eir that was in front of of the board there was actually a lengthy discussion and again, it reiterated the fact it would comply with the codes. the project was approved and after that time we move forward forward with some kind of entitlement easement. d also found that the issue study was correct in relying on the codes and the puc conditioned it's approval of the conditions to be completely satisfied and they were protected so because of all that there was no adverse impact. and puc worked internally and continues un