girard depardieu deciding to take russian citizenship, are the french moving to russia? >> well, i think there's one or two french people to russia gerard depardieu and i think bridget is very upset about the euthanasia of two elephants at the zoo and she's threatening to move to russia, as well. i don't think she's aware of the unbelievable animal cruelty they do in russia. just to put some perspective on it. there are about 3 million educated russians who have left russia and emigrated and the retrograde society that they have there and putin needed some kind of pr stunt and he gets this sort of silly character to take russian citizenship and puts him up on stage and hope that swill somehow dissuade everybody from leaving russia. i think -- i don't think it served its purpose. >> stephen, is it a sign of anything? or just fun and games? >> it is fun and games and quite silly. it has two potential serious consequences. first of all, it draws more attention in russia to putin's 13% flat tax. i mean, that is a very low tax in a country where inequality of income is just g